Travel scholarships for Teacher Exchange

31st May 2016

Have you seen a project at the festival you especially like? Do you want to continue the exchange with an international colleague you met at the festival?

School teachers who met each other as delegates at the festival can apply for a travel scholarship to develop a new STEM project together. Science on Stage Europe provides a subsidy of up to €300  of travel costs each for the traveling teachers.

The aim of this exchange is to develop a new STEM project together which should be handed in as “Joint Project” for the upcoming Science on Stage festival which will be held in Debrechen, Hungary on the 29 June -2 July 2017.

To apply for the travel scholarship, please fill in the application form and send it to . The Executive Board will decide about your travel scholarship within a month.

This is the procedure:

  • Hand in your application: at least eight weeks before the exchange
  • Acceptance by the Executive Board of Science on Stage Europe
  • Teacher exchange (in the school of one of the teachers)
  • Short report, photos, results and tickets (original) sent to SonSEu office
  • SonSEu refunds travel costs (max. €300)